Monday, January 31, 2011

Ini bukan solat Jumaat (part 2)

Lokasi: Masjid Al-Azim, Pandan Indah.
Waktu: Selepas solat Maghrib

Aku bertolak dari rumah pada pukul 7pm.  Isteri dan anak-anak agak keletihan selepas menziarah ibu dan bapa aku.  Ditambah dengan hujan berterusan sejak pagi tadi, lebih mudah bermotorsikal bagi mengelakkan kesesakan lalulintas di MRR2 dan juga di kawasan masjid.

Kuliah baru bermula
Hadirin yang memenuhi dewan solat 
Bersalaman selepas solat Isya'
Ustaz Azhar Idrus, close-up

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ini bukan solat Jumaat

Penulis mengambil gambar sebab tempat solat dah penuh.
Dewan solat utama.
Sebelah kiri masjid, bahagian belakang
Sebelah kiri masjid, bahagian hadapan. Maahad Tahfiz
di sebelah kanan gambar

Begini ramai manusia bertumpu ke Masjid Al-Ridhuan, Hulu Klang untuk mendengar kuliah Maghrib oleh Ustaz Azhar Idrus.  Untuk sesiapa yang ketinggalan, esok(30/1/2011) di Masjid Al-Azim, Pandan Indah.

Mobile computing

While waiting for the car going through the regular 10,000km interval service, I took out my company issued notebook and resume my work from where I left it moment before that.

With weekly subscription of mobile broadband, I do teethering from my notebook. When space was limited, some little thing become a concern, like how or where to put the phone.
Between the leg and notebook?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Coz it gives warning..

A conversation took place not too far and not too long ago.

X has gone through the firewall rules and he become puzzled on some of them.  Desperately need clarification, he consulted Y, the firewall administrator.

X: Why do you need this particular rule that allow these IP addresses access to the Firewall itself?
Y: Ohhh.. that's one of the standard rules by the manufacturer for maintenance purpose.
X: Do you really need this rule that allow maintenance from a few segments?
Y: I can't remove or edit that. Every time I tried, it gave warning message.
X: Huh? What was the message?
Y: "Do you want to proceed?"

At that juncture, X was not sure to either laugh, educate or keep everything to himself.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Contender?

Seriously, I don't know how should I put this.  Coming up with a title for this post already a fuss.

I came across this on my way back home yesterday.  I didn't notice it the day earlier so guess it was just put up by someone or some authority within the compound of the temple.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ustaz Kazim Elias Al-Hafiz

Latar belakang
Al Fadhil Ustaz Mohd Kazim Bin Elias Al Hafiz adalah merupakan seorang pendakwah bebas di negeri Perak sejak tahun 1990. Atas sambutan orang ramai yang berminat untuk mendalami ilmu agama maka pada tahun 1995, Al Fadhil Ustaz Mohd Kazim telah mengambil inisiatif untuk membuka kelas pengajian kepada orang ramai di sebuah rumah kedai dua tingkat di Jalan Maxwell, Ipoh. Apabila jumlah pelajarnya semakin bertambah, maka Ustaz Mohd Kazim telah berpindah ke rumah kedai dua tingkat yang lebih besar di Silibin di bawah nama Sedaya Irham. (source:

Gaya penyampaian menarik dan mudah difahami.  Membicara isu terkini dengan rujukan pada Al-Quran, Hadis dan kitab-kitab.

Perbezaan Banduan dengan Kita

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jumping into the bandwagon

Heard about DSLR?  To a point if you throw a coin at Central Market, high chance it will fall on a person will DSLR on his hand.  I was using Nikon F50 at one point of time but not for long due to 1997 financial crisis.

I was looking for a digital camera to replace my current Canon A520.  It has to be light, easy to carry around, simple to use and has big aperture.  All will suit the main purpose of taking photographs on my MTB outing.  Joe Adnan has always been inspirational for me to take better photo.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Beberapa detik dahulu

Aku terdengar A berbual dengan B keluar sebaik keluar dari surau selepas solat Asar.

A: Haji masuk wad minggu lepas?
B: Betul
A: Sakit apa tu?
B: Jantung. 3 tersumbat.
A: Pelik saya. Haji saya tengok makan jaga, petang-petang jogging.
B: Tidak ada yang peliknya. Semua itu kehendak Allah. Dia nak bagi sakit, sakit la kita. Mungkin dia bagi sakit tu untuk menghapus dosa-dosa saya.