Friday, December 25, 2009
We love shortcuts!
This entry is about losing all the fats is summary for the lazy ass who expect miracle result. It is from cyberfren Sher Khan (check the link on right side).
Here's a quick tips to shave off the fat(typical malaysian diet):
- go slow with the bad and ugly fats - the
saturated fat and trans-fat (avoid if you
can) - that means, go slow on full cream
dairy products, red meat, anything cook
with refined cooking oil, fast-foods, deep
fried foods - yes those fried chickens, ikan
goreng, pisang goreng, popia goreng,
karipap, keropok, kerepek ubi etc etc etc.
- move from refined carbohydrates to
complex carbohydrates - white rice to
brown rice, white bread to wholegrain
bread, white potatoes to sweet potatoes,
white pasta to wholegrain pasta, roti canai
to capati, no bihun/kuehteiow/laksa
- take lean protein like chicken (without
skin), fish, nuts and seeds.
stick with plain water only - no teh tarik,
carbonated drinks, teh ais limau, kopi tarik,
milo, etc
- last but not least ... you think i'll skip this
one?.. pls do regular exercise!! ( no time?
see this)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Fun does not have to be expensive

Entrance Fee - RM6
Canopy Walk - RM12
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
The making of Skinny Bitchykal
leave the room.
Day 6
Fixed the following.
Day 10
Day 14

Thursday, October 15, 2009
RTW - Oppss.. I did it again!
Sigh... I am getting older and become more forgetful.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Raya rides
Singlespeed Spesh first timer
Spesh on the floodgate at Chenderung Balai
Common sight at Sungai Batang Padang
Friday, October 2, 2009
Spesh SingleSpeed
From SS Spesh photoshoot |

Friday, September 18, 2009
A dialog to remember
anonymous: aku tak dapat lesen kayuh utk the rest of the year :~tu yang bila depa dok sebok2 reg utk brg hantu ride tu, aku takde napsu sgt.err... lagipun lampu aku tak power (ni nak sedapkan ati je ni).me: hehehe...what went wrong man? wht did u fckd up?permit dah abis utilise ke?epic, prez.. tht's it?anonymous: err... funny u said about f**kd family have a new baby.
me: hehehe.. similar.. but in different context.. hahhahaha
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Ramadhan rides
Pak Abas & Shaq catching up at Tugu Negara junction. From Kayuh Sampai Sahur (Episod 1) |
3rd Friday - Titiwangsa to Cyberjaya via MEX
Pine 86/87, adik & shaq at Putrajaya toll plaza. From Kayuh Sampai Sahur (Episod 3) |
Pak Abas at his 52. From Kayuh Sampai Sahur (Episod 4) |
4rd Friday -Kemensah offroad
Faceless riders. From Kayuh Sampai Sahur (Episod 4.1) |
Friday, September 4, 2009
Spanking new wheelset for the bike?
It's tubeless some more. For my primary means of transportation to work, you definitely deserved it...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kau selalu kayuh mana?
Pantang kena cuit, menjadi aja... bak kata orang lama, macam pengantin baru. Begitulah aku dan Scott Scale 70 aku.
BBB cuit ke Cameron Highland, pergi.
Shaq cuit ke Gohtong, pergi.
Jazlan cuit Sg Pusu ke Kemensah, pergi.
Seminggu lepas tu, Joe Adnan cuit Sg Pusu ke Kemensah lagi sekali, pergi.
Dua bulan lepas tu, Cikgu cuit Sg Pusu ke Kemensah lagi sekali, pergi.
Geng Melawati cuit Kemensah ke Sungai Congkak, pergi. Sampai bermasam muka isteri yang ku cintai.
Shaq cuit ke Sahara Ride, Melaka, pergi.
Dari 12 hash KLMBH, 8 aku pergi.
Tidak banyak ride yang "notable" aku tercuit.
Dari 8 hash KLMBH, 2 aja yang aku pergi. Di hash BTP, aku membawa anak perempuan untuk pertama kali menyertai hash. Yang keduanya, KLMBH Epic dimana aku berjaya menghabiskannya buat pertama kali (tahun lepas gagal sungguh).
Lepas raya nanti, Burung Hantu Jamboree, dianjurkan oleh ECC Melaka. Selain dari itu, FRIM adalah jalan mudah, ringkas dan cepat untuk meluangkan masa berkayuh di hujung minggu. FRIM juga sering dijadikan tempat latih-tubi untuk meningkatkan tahap kecergasan dan ketahanan fizikal untuk persediaan PCC Prez dan KLMBH Epic. Ya.. FRIM pilihanku!!
p.s: walaupun kena bayar RM3 sekali masuk, ianya lebih berbaloi dari cost minyak untuk drive 20-30km ke trail free yang lain.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Presidential 2009
Fitness was good on Stage 1 & Stage 2. Almost worn out on Stage 3, even stupidly fall on tarmac when my front wheel hit another cyclist's rear wheel while we busy chit-chatting. Stage 4 was on cursing mode. A mole climb looked like a Steroid of FRIM.
Finally reached the finishing line at 3:15pm; that was 7 hours of cycling over 65km of trail. Being a finisher, it was an enjoyable suffering ride of the year!
Will I do it again next year? Definitely!
Shaque, Azea, A'an & Azrin at starting line From PCC Presidential '09 |
A little over 1000 registered riders From PCC Presidential '09 |
Scott saddle bag, my lucky draw price. Guys, please note that 4 stickers on my passport. From PCC Presidential '09 |
From around the Net on Prez '09: -
- Akmal Plentong (blog)
- Jamie Chan (album)
- Umar (blog)
- Kayuh Beb! (blog)
- BandarTasikPutri Bicycle Brigade (forum)
- Abu Omar (blog)
- Heero Yui (blog)
- Mike Murano (blog)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Cycling is expensive hobby?
In the keen interest of cycling, I'm indulged and being happy about it.
How does it start
Prior July 2007, a number of time, I been approached by Jazlan to take up mountainbiking. I had a keen interest but forking RM2000 for a bike wasn't that easy at that point of time. An angel came down in a form of human and gave me RM2,500 soft loan for a kick start.
Initial "investment"
I bought myself Scott Scale 70 for RM2.3k from BikePro (thanks to Big Mac for his time and consultancy). Immediately I went to KHS for a Limar 911 helmet at RM280, the only helmet that fits my big head at that point of time. The list go on an on. Glove, bladder, allenkey toolset, spare tube, shoes, cycling jersey, lycra pants, and more tools. After spending a total of RM3k, I may become insane keeping the record of my spending list.
More spending
Soon enough, I endo during first night ride in RRI, bent my saddle (body injury will recover, parts injury won't). So I replaced with Velo Carbon (new, RM120).
Weekend ride dosage seems insufficient, bought blinker and light in order to ride at nite.
Cassette and chain worn, replaced.
Straight handlebar caused numb wrist, replaced.
Running shoe double as cycling shoe caused slippery pedal grip, bought HiTech trail shoe (new, RM240).
Even more spending
V-Brake failed on me, bought Avid BB7 (new, RM350).
Joined the clipless bandwagon, bought SPD pedal and shoe (used, RM250).
SPD design flaw caused numerous stupid falls, changed to Crank Brothers pedal (used, RM100).
Another clipless shoe, Shimano MT41 (new, RM240).
Bought Spesh frame from Big Mac to inflict others in the family (used, RM250).
Bought bundle parts from Jazlan to assemble Spesh (used, RM100).
Recent years..
Before I blow a candle celebrating 2 years in cycling this August, I have 2 full fledged MTB for trail ride, and 2 rigid fork MTB with slick tires for tarmac ride. Now, contemplating to sell off my Spesh for my bed space. Obviously, I need space to sleep.
Proper sleep prior to next morning rides is important!

- Angel, knowing your preferences to be below the radar, I shall not mention your name you here but you know who you are.
- LHDN, I had received your additional deduction to my salary. Nothing left here, move on!
- Thief, you took my son's BMX, please return it to him. He's not tall enough for my MTB. Thank you in advance.
- Potential thief, you may be electrocuted if you try something nasty. BTW, alloy is a good conductor.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Skill School-Descending
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Spinning vs. Grinding, real life lesson
Spinning(some say "spinwork") - pedaling high RPM, lower gear at given uphill terrain
Grinding(some say "speedwork") - pedaling in low RPM, high gear at given uphill terrain
I'm a strong advocate of spinning. Recently, I tested out grinding. Grinding gets me faster compare to spinning at a cost... knee pain!
Last Sunday, me and 5 others climbed up Fraser Hill. It was 28km to gap from Kuala Kubu Baru and another 12km up to clock tower. With recently replaced crankset (Shimano 105, 53T & 39T chainring) on my Spesh, the temptation of getting faster was there. Especially "competing" with others riding a road bike with carbon between their legs.
I was grinding my way up to gap before I know, I developed a knee pain. Not a severe kind of pain but more like a pain that I can bear with. Things getting a little uncomfortable until I reached gap. I decided to change the pattern to spinning my way up to clock tower from gap. It came to the point I was using 39/34 gear combo (lowest gear possible for my Spesh) on some steep section.
Alhamdulillah, I made to the clock tower, non-stop in 3 hours despite being the last person to reach there.
To serve as a reminder to myself in the future...
Spin and you save your knee!!
Photo by Shuk CIOCC
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The President is coming to town!!
My first participation was in 2007 and earned myself a bragging rights :) . The event did not take place in 2008 and has given the organizer an ample time for bigger fun (read: enjoyable suffering) this year!
I was thinking of taking the ride like I did in 2007. Finished the ride within stipulated time, offering help to those in need, and socializing. Yeah.. sounds like a fun ride :)
See you guys there!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Placement: Balcony
Placement: Balcony
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window
Placement: Near window